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In Memory Of
Tribute To A Fallen Brother

There is a certain pride To a biker from the South
His soul shines through in his actions, Also the words that come from his mouth

The people that he truly loves, They are often very few
But they all know who they are, They know for them the things he’ll d

He will be there for his children, No matter what the cost
He’ll also be there for his woman, When she needs him most

He’s there for his brothers and his sisters, With a quick joke and a brew
He’s also there when all they need, Is just someone to talk to

There are few men like this, Weather you search far or wide
It is a terrible tragedy, When a Brother like this, takes his final ride

But a man such as this, Even after he is gone has not left you alone at all
Cause his spirit will carry on

He’ll be there when you wake up, On a bright sunny, summer day
His memories will always make you smile, When your world has turned to gray

There’s pain in your heart now, cause you’ll never again hear him say
“Come on Cheer the hell up man” or “Let’s roll some miles away”

But know when you roll out, to take off for a ride
He’ll be  there beside you, His spirit riding by your side

Know that your brother, On heavens roads will now roll
On his brand new Harley, That he fabricated from heaven’s gold

Then just think of the day, That you will see him again
He’ll be at the gates to welcome us home
Wearing that Big Ol’ Southern Grin

In Memory of our Brothers and Sisters who are riding the smooth open roads in the sky, You are missed

Click on a name to view their page

Matt "Kickstand" Hall

Michael "PreK" Keim

Brian "Hack" Hackenbruch

Ray "Boot" Barrett

Julius "Caesar" Guillory

Carmen Guillot

Michael “Woodstock” Comstock

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